Tuesday, November 13, 2012



Hi family and friends, it has been the craziest week EVER. Well, we all found out that we were getting six new sisters in Laie, so we knew that five of us would have to go full-proselyting (off-island) so there would still only be 22 sisters in the VC. So there are already four sisters being trained, so that meant either you are going out, or you are training the **new babies (new Sisters coming in) !! Everyone has been going insane trying to figure out what was going to happen! Well, my amazing companion Sister Gamba is going full-pros to Kuai!! I am so happy for her, and so totally jealous, haha, but she'll be amazing. As for me...well, Sister Gulla was the trainer of Sister Jones' first transfer, but Sister Gulla has been assigned to train a new sister from Micronesia. That being said, I have been assigned to be Sister Jones' trainer for her second transfer!  So, I guess you could call me her **step-mom = )  I am so excited, nervous, overwhelmed, and happy. I know that the Lord qualifies whom He calls, I just hope that I can fulfill this calling in the way that He wants me to!   (Note from Editor:  **Sister missionary lingo)
Sister Jones and Me

Also, I just want to say Happy Veterans Day, and thank you to all of my family members and friends who are Veterans. Thank you for all you do, and all that you have done to serve this country! I am forever grateful for all the time and life that you have sacrificed for our sake and for those you have helped. Thank you!

WELL, here are the Miracles:

Miracle #1 
Being our last week online together, Sister Gamba and I definitely ended it with a bang (btw, I'm still online for next transfer) !! These past couple of days we were chatting, and had two very similar experiences. So the first, we were chatting with a girl who has been meeting with the missionaries but had a couple random questions. After we answered her questions we continued to chat and learn more about her and her interest in the church. She said she didn't really "get" God until she learned more about the restored gospel. After that everything made sense (Amen) ! We bore testimony, and expressed how much Heavenly Father loves her and what a blessing it is that we can be baptized to make that step to be closer to making our eternal goal. We then invited her to prepare herself to baptism! She said YES!! The spirit was so strong during her chat. She said that she would let the missionaries know that she is ready to be baptized!! CHEE-HOOO! Hah, so amazing. THEN, we were chatting with another girl who said she had met with the missionaries once, but didn't really have the time to meet with them again. She had a question about the spirit, and knowing whether or not she has felt it before. After asking her what she thought it would feel like, we explained that it is a feeling of peace, comfort, and a clear understanding of things. She didn't respond for a long time...then she said...that's exactly what I felt. She said she just felt loved, and so warm inside. We taught her that she was feeling the spirit and that if she is baptized, she will have the opportunity to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; a gift that will be with you as long as you live worthy to have it with you! All she said was, "are you serious?" Haha, she was pretty happy about that. So then we extended the invitation of baptism to her as well. She said yes! She said that she would call the missionaries tomorrow (today), and set up an appointment so she can prepare herself. It was AMAZING! I love this gospel. 
Miracle #2 
Our investigator from New Zealand, we have been teaching her for a while now, has a testimony of the gospel, but still isn't 100% sure about everything. We asked how her scripture reading and prayers were going? She said she definitely prayed every day, but had not been reading from The Book of Mormon for a long time now. We taught her an awesome lesson about faith using the analogy of a seed. We asked her what would happen to a seed of an apple tree that never received water or sunlight...."It would die." So then we of course asked what would happen if she was not continually nourishing her spirit?..."It's gonna die, too." She got it =) We then shared the scripture  2 Nephi 32:3 "Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." This scripture was perfect for her....for everyone! So many times we get caught up in life that we forget to put God first. But as we do put Him first and nourish our spirits, we will be made strong, and we will have guidance in ALL things. She accepted our invite to read at least one chapter a day! So that was definitely a miracle.

Miracle #3 
Staph infection is almost gone =)

Miracle #4 
We had a tour from Norway in the Visitor center on Sunday, and it was really neat. When it gets too crowded we often times have to split as companions and take tours separately. Well, that happened yesterday, so I took these four, 25 maybe 26-year-olds, on a tour. None of them really grew up with religion, so it was a really neat experience to teach them the Restoration of Christ's church back on to the earth again. They loved that, and loved the temple. I was then prompted to guide them to the Book of Mormon table where we have copies in 83 different languages....including Norwegian. I explained to them that The Book of Mormon was a record testifying of Jesus Christ in the ancient Americas, and they thought that was very interesting. I testified that the truth of God is on the earth today and if you want to learn more about it, we invite you to read this book. Having pre-set the guest cards we have, I handed them each one explaining that if you were interested in having a book for yourself, we would love to send missionaries to come bring you a free copy. Two of them put their numbers, but no requests, and then one of them, a girl, she asked if she could have the missionaries bring her one! It was really neat. I love this mission. It's just so crazy to see that even though we are in Hawaii, we get to teach people all over the world as well. BEST MISSION EVER!
Alright, time is almost up =/ But I have a ton of pictures from this past week. That's what happens when you neglect to take any the whole transfer, hah, whoops! A lot of them are with Sister Yau who is going home to Hong Kong =(  So of course we had to take a bajillion pictures! 
I just want to end with my testimony of how true this gospel is. I will never be able to deny the blessings and the transformations for good that this truth brings into people's lives. This gospel only brings peace and happiness. I know that God is perfect, and I know that we do not understand all of God's mysteries; but we don't need to. All we need is to know that truth has been restored, and that Jesus Christ lived and died so that we can live again with God. As we keep God's commandments, it will set us free and bring everlasting happiness! I am so grateful to be a missionary, especially during this great time where God's army of missionaries are assembling. Thank you for your love, support, and prayers. I am so grateful to be a missionary, and I don't think I ever want to go home. Hope that's alright with you, mom ; ) Keep opening your mouths and sharing the gospel. Share those pass along cards! We get calls all the time from people who found one or received one. You never know who will use their agency to find truth!

Love you all,
Sister Moyes

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