#You know you've been in Hawaii too long when!!!.....
Every time the Prophet began speaking with "Brothers and Sisters.." you were ready to say Aloha in response to a "Brothers and Sisters, Aloha!" Haha, whoops. Well, on that note, wasn't conference amazing!?! I'm pretty sure I could go on for hours talking about the heart felt and inspired talks we listened to from our leaders! I think as a missionary my favorite talk had to have been Elder Holland on discipleship...or that's what I got out of it anyway. But something that really stood out to me was that if we are to be true disciples, then we can NEVER put the world or temporal things before serving God and preaching the gospel. That is something that I know I have already been able to apply as a missionary and will definitely will use from now til forever. I know that once we choose to be on the Lord's side we can never go back to our old ways. We can't just go back to being fisherman, but fishers of men! We're so blessed to have the knowledge of the gospel! We know the truth; so go share it :)
So this has been my first week as an online sister, and I am enjoying every minute of it. Sister Gamba is such an amazing companion and teaches me something new every day. She is so Christlike, and sets that example for me constantly. As an online sister, we spend about 4 hours online a day (when not at the VC) answering chats to people who come onto Mormon.org to learn more about our beliefs. With this, our purpose is not to gain new investigators, but help people understand enough to give them an increased desire to learn more from the local missionaries! Right now we have two investigators who said they were more comfortable chatting with us online for now, but they are both golden investigators. They have truly been prepared and have such humble hearts.
With one of those investigators we had such a neat experience. We had been chatting for a good half an hour, teaching him the gospel of Jesus Christ (Faith, Repentance, Baptism, the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End). He loved knowing that there was a purpose for Him, and that God has a plan; a plan of happiness. We taught him that it is through the gospel of Jesus Christ that allows us to be closer to God and have a relationship with Him. He loved that. He said that He wanted to know that Heavenly Father loved Him! We then asked if we could pray with Him online, and he said he would really like that. So, while Sister Gamba prayed, I typed it out phrase by phrase for him to read. This is an approach we are encouraged to use as much as we can online, and now I know why! I never knew how strong I could feel the spirit from a computer, haha. That might sound lame, but it was so amazing. After the prayer we asked what his thoughts or feelings were. He told us that he knew that what we were teaching was true. He said that it was weird for him because He can't see us, but for "whatever" reason, he said it just felt right. We explained to him that what he was feeling right now was the spirit testifying to him. We invited him to read Moroni Chapter 10 and then pray about it. He agreed, and we will followup in a week! Our next step, get the missionaries over to continue teaching him :) Keep him in your prayers if you could!
Love Always,
Sister Moyes
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