* You freak out after pressing Enter for another paragraph, thinking it is going to send your e-mail when you weren't ready to send it yet!
* Because of being in Visitors Center all day, you go home and are trying to wash your hands wondering why the sink isn't automatically turning on.
* You get on the computer to call referrals and you find your fingers already signing you into chat.
* The Joseph Smith movie is playing over and over in your mind because guests are always watching it in the room next door.
Haha!!! ALOoooooo-HA family and friends : )
I cannot even wait to tell you about this week! First of all, I absolutely love the new sisters who just came in a couple weeks ago!! They are such hard workers and I love the enthusiasm and fire they have in them. We always joke around because it seems like the VC
is turning into the Blondes and the Asians.
Miracle #1
It was about 7:30 at night (Hawaii time), and we get a chat from a 16-year-old boy who mentions that he feels really lost right now, and really just wants to give his life more purpose. After asking some inspired questions, we come to understand how badly He wants to know God loves him, but says it is hard sometimes. We promised him that God DOES love him, and he has a plan of happiness for each and every one of us! We were able to teach him a part of the plan of Salvation (what we felt were important points for now), and testified that we knew this was true, and how having this knowledge has not only blessed our lives, but will bless his. He said that was something he wanted for himself, "for sure!" We invited him to meet with the missionaries and said that would be really cool. We explained to him that because he is 16 we needed consent from a parent, so he gave us his phone number and his dad's so we could call up his Dad! The next day we call his dad, but he didn't answer, so we were kind of bummed. So we decided to call the boy and see if he had talked to his Dad about it yet? He said he had, and that his dad was actually just right down stairs! He handed the phone off to him, and that's when my heart started pounding, praying that I would know what to say. Well the more we got talking, we actually found out he grew up in the town right next door to where I lived in NJ!! Making that connection I know was a miracle. It helped break the ice in the conversation that allowed us to flow into asking the Dad if it was okay if the missionaries came over to teach his son about the gospel of Jesus Christ. He said he didn't see why not!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO!!!! THENNNN, we asked if he was interested in learning more as well. He told us that if they were over and he was home that he would definitely sit in on the lessons!!!!! BAh, soooo amazing! I love being online :) We'll call them tomorrow and see if the missionaries have stopped by yet!
Miracle #2
We were chatting with another 16-year-old, a girl this time. She said she is investigating the church, and her teacher made a comment against Mormons in class, that she knew just couldn't be true. So, she did the right thing going to the source and asking :) We talked to her, and explained the situation, and was so excited to tell her teacher the truth! We asked her about how long she has been investigating, and we then that really opened the conversation. She had a friend who was LDS who had taught her a lot about the gospel, and she felt like it was the right thing. She prayed about it, she goes to church every Sunday, goes to all the activities, and is even working on her Personal Progress (a program that is for young women to help them develop attributes such as Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue). We asked if she was going to be getting baptized any time soon, and said unfortunately her parents won't allow her to until she is 18. But it was just a testament to us of the truthfulness of this gospel. This girl knew/knows these things are true! She knows it, loves it, and is definitely living it! The coolest part is, she is from a town just a half an hour away from where mom and dad live!!! So, I will definitely be home before she is 18, and if the parents are still living there, she asked if we could be at her baptism! I told her I would try my best :)
This miracle happened last night! Sister Gamba and I were of course chatting, and we got a chat from someone from New Zealand who had been given a pass-along card from the missionaries and thought he would check out the website! He brought up a topic that definitely could have caused the conversation to be argumentative, but it turned out to be such a spiritual lesson. His questions were so sincere, and really was just searching for the truth. After reading to him various church materials as well as other scriptures and talks, we concluded with our testimonies. Then we got this response, "You two are angels." Hah, we weren't really expecting that kind of reaction, based on his views he shared with us at the beginning, but he said that everything we explained made sense, and that he believed it!! It was AMAZING! Sister Gamba and I were literally jumping out of our seats we were so happy! We asked if we wanted to meet with those missionaries that gave him the pass along card. He said yes, and so we will be calling up those missionaries tomorrow and sending them his way!
I definitely miss my Samoan Ward like crazy, but I LOVE being online as well. It has taught me so much, and has really helped increase my testimony of this gospel! I invite you all to use those mormon.org pass-along cards that just came in the Ensign, and tell your friends about the online chat! I can promise you that you will never regret sharing the greatest joy you have with someone else! I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ has once again been restored upon the earth. I know that as we keep the commandments God has given us, he will pour His blessings out on us! As always, thank you for your constant prayers. We can feel them every day :) Love you all so much!
Sister Moyes
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